In 2023 we successfully raised over


For the Bayleys Sheep Dog Trials - Supporting Greenlea Rescue Helicopter

View the Bayleys Sheep Dog Trials 2024 rules, map and the Draw below

They are there for you when you need them the most….

Time to repay the favour.

Wednesday 19th June - Saturday 22nd June 2024

National Equestrian Centre, Aratiatia, Taupo

Come along and watch the fun!



The location

The event will be held at the prestigious National Equestrian Centre in Aratiatia, Taupo. The trials will all be held under cover in the main arena of the facility.

The driving force behind the dog trials event of the year

David Schaw the event organiser and keen dog trial enthusiast discusses his own personal experiences with the Greenlea Rescue Helicopter, and why it is such a critical service in the rural community.

Your contribution makes a difference

All the equipment within your rescue helicopter comes with a pretty hefty price tag. We need your help to keep crews rescue ready as an essential emergency service in your community.

These are just a few of the items you would find in your rescue helicopter

Other ways you can contribute

Make a donation

You can make a donation to help raise funds for the Greenlea Rescue Helicopter on the button below. Every little bit helps.